
Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival

A . M . A . Z . I . N . G


Photos by C. Whitney-Ward

I go to this fun-crazy show every year and it keeps getting better and better.  It never ceases to amaze me how artists can make
something nifty and collectible out of a toaster...

A coffee pot...

An old decoy...

But they do, and their capacity for turning re-cycled odds and ends into
vibrant art makes for a very fun afternoon.


And opening night, there was a re-cycled fashion show.
Very clever and very chic. 

Maps & Spoons...

Some colorful people too...

Clearly...the sky's the limit with these amazing artists.

R E C Y C L E   S A N T A    F E   A R T   F E S T I V A L - 2 0 1 1
